
Showing posts from March, 2013

I'm not a Dr., but I'll take a stab at it

On my way and in hopes of becoming a P.A, it has become an ever-increasing challenge of mine to try and diagnose my friends. I love it. It's like a mystery. Every clue gets you one step closer to the solution. For those of you, I am sorry if it has bugged you, especially with all my questions! I want to thank you for being so gracious as to telling me and letting me be your 'Dr. in practice'. Working in a lab, I have realized that as much as I know about the differences in (excuse my lab talk) an 'SST' tube vs. a 'Red tube' and a 'Urinalysis' vs a 'Urine Culture' it will not give me information on to WHY. Why is this test being done? Why does the sample look like this?? I have so many questions, no patient to see, no symptoms, just a list of random tests and several varying samples. I love to hear your problems, worries, guesses, and I love seeing if my advice works! For this reason, if anyone out there has a problem, send it my way! I ...

Stand Tall, Stand Proud!

Have you ever seen an elderly person with a hunched back? This does not happen much in my town because  pretty much everyone is in college, but every time I see it, I am immediately reminded of my bad posture. For a few minutes after, I am consciously fixing this bad habit of mine. Repeated in my mind are words from my family to "Sit up straight!" and "Stop slouching!". It is probably my worst habit, and as much as I hate it, I cannot stop and do not even realize I am doing it! Thanks to one of our track and field trainers, I am urging this to end, especially for its good benefits. What is 'good posture'? The Mayo Clinic gives five easy tips: "  Hold your chest high.  Keep your shoulders back and relaxed.  Pull in your abdomen and buttocks.  Keep your feet parallel.  Balance your weight evenly on both feet, " (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Easily stated by the trainer was to, "Pull your shoulders back and stand proud." This looks a little like t...