About me

Hey guys!

My name is Jamie but I also go by mama, boo (for the hubs), james, and jamie rae


Welcome! In the midst of a science-medical world where I work as a Physician Assistant, I realized I needed an escape for my creativity as well as a safe place to connect and share my heart with others. My hope is you can find some inspiration for your day, be a little entertained and maybe even leave learning some new handy things you could whip out in random conversation. I believe being healthy encompasses many things, including what brings you JOY and keeps you FEELING healthy! You will find that here as well.

If my blog isn't random enough lets throw in some fun facts about me:

-I try to be a healthy person, but that doesn't mean my favorite food is not ice cream. The chocolatiest- if you must ask.
-I have been married for 1 year and we have thee possibly cutest baby, no I am not biased ;) You will probably see lots of her here as well as pictures of my family
-I love being a mama
-I am a coach and want the best for others! I love helping others to achieve their goals. 
-I like to work hard, but I am also about a work life balance.  I love being busy but don't get me wrong, if you gave me a beach and a boogie board I could settle down for a while
-Summer is my favorite season 
-My favorite shows and movies are definitely RomComs or other dramas- My favorites are Sex in the City, Gilmore Girls and I do also love the Bachelor in all its glory. I know its trash TV, but that is what makes it so good! 
-I'm a total Nerd. 
-I love to travel! My husband and I have a huge list going of places we can't wait to cross off the list. 
-I believe in Jesus and I also believe that all things work for His good with unwavering faith and an open heart to love everyone.
-I love to cook and try new foods out! I also rarely follow a recipe. I remember growing up my father would just toss in spices and I would say I picked up that style for sure. 
-I love being outdoors- camping, hiking, swimming, walking the dog? all the above? Sounds like a great day!
-I am always ready for an adventure. 
-I have the best friends and family ever who inspire me, and I am so thankful :)

I would love to get to know you!
Hope you find some enjoyment in this blog,

Love Jamie Rae


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