Where's your Motivation?
For myself, I'm going to put this out there 4 hours til track practice. 7 hours til work. 12 hours til lots of homework is due. 2 days until I leave for a big track meet. and one week until 2 tests in Cell Bio and Organic Chemistry. blah blahaoeijenaneoiueoknael k ... AHHHHHH!! What I SHOULD be doing is scrambling around the house trying to get stuff done before I leave and preparing myself for my track race..but...I would much rather sit here instead and write, watch t.v. and relax...YAY :) Personally, I think life is all about balance. That is thee 1 and only way I have been able to get through school, work and track in college while still managing time to have fun with friends and RELAX.. the most important part. As good as I am about balance, I am even better at one thing.. Procrastinating. Dun Dun Dun. Which is what I am doing right this very second, what I will do during my trip and probably next week as I "prepare" for my tests. As you are re...