My Summer Girl's Trip

 Girls Trip! Those might be the most beautiful words I have heard recently. I live for travels and spontaneous trips. What is up next for my summer traveling destination? Lake Tahoe. 

When I think of Lake Tahoe I think WATER adventures, HIKING adventures and sunshine. If you are a winter person-- you might shame me for not raving about skiing, but this girl has other plans. I'm more of a summer person anyway, but don't get me wrong, I do love any outdoor activity no matter the time of year. 

My whole life I have been a camper. Since I was little, I can remember pitching our tent, playing cards around a campfire, listening to the owls at night and then dying in the morning when the sun hits your tent and you have to run outside because you wake up in a drench. I do love camping. It is kind of funny to me that as a society, we have taken something that used to be kind of the way of life-- "roughing it" and turned it into a pastime. 

This time, we are not camping! The plan is to rent a camper van! Has anyone ever taken a trip in one of those amazing vans? The last time I went to Tahoe, I was terrified a black bear was going to surprise us in the middle of the night so I BEARLY ;) got any sleep. I am looking forward to a time where I am not on the menu because I forgot to put away my nighttime snack. We found van rentals from this site: WanderVans

My girlfriend and I tentatively plan to rent one and drive down. What activities do we have in store? paddle boarding, hiking, biking, having some MOMosas and relaxing.  We may, or may not bring the babies. Have you traveled with your kiddos? Also, I still plan to have my campfire and roast the smore's too. 

Have you been to Lake Tahoe? What activities did you do? 

Cheers to summer getaways! 



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