A little bit on research...

In my medical assistant class, I have enjoyed the opportunity to be surrounded by people from all walks of life, different experiences and backgrounds. I have really appreciated the dynamic that it brings to the class as a learning environment, one where we can help each other expand our knowledge of the medical field through sharing our experiences and insight. 

Recently, I was conflicted with my knowledge on vaccines and autism. While I am bringing up this subject, it is widely debated and I am not trying to stir the pot or bring this topic to be debated...

The most important thing I learned this past week was to accept other people's views no matter how much you disagree with them (and to do your research to decide your personal view). It sounds really stupid writing it out because I feel it is a no-brainer, but I really think that it is easy to forget when you're in the moment. You don't realize you are doing it, and in the end, you feel terrible. I felt really bad because I blurted out that the autism-vaccine thing was a crazy belief and it is completely false only because out of all my years in school, my professors and everyone have told me so. I didn't think twice about it because I thought well, everyone should know it..right? Not exactly the case; I don't know other's experiences or if there truly is research out there or could be in the future (and I should have been doing my own educated research too say so). I felt really bad...In healthcare, I know there will be people out there who have different views, a different lifestyle, different health habits, and the best I can do for them is accept them and treat them the best I can to their case while being open, kind, and humble. 

Although my years of college have taught me how to research and write pages on pages of research papers, I still had sacrificed my openness to do my OWN research. I took my professors word and forgot the whole researching- about it. I wasn't being open minded, and in the medical field, we must keep up to date! I will undoubtedly be kept on my toes because its an ever-changing field (and I shouldn't forget that this world is ever-changing; there is always going to be a new-this new-that, new views and view-points). 

Getting to the heart of it, this past week I have learned so much thankfully to my wise professor who has given me light and an insight into the ever-changing medical field and this translates outside the medical field as well.  "Do YOUR research, don't just believe what someone tells you. We listen, consider, analyze, respect, appreciate-look at both sides before you decide within yourself". 

Thankfully, I learned that in a world that is constantly changing, we must never forget to do our research. Listen to other people's views, consider their viewpoint, their story and their background, analyze what the information is telling you, respect what they have to say and the research that they have done and appreciate it! I think that a lot of times we fall short into succumbing into believing right off the bat what other people have to say (at least I know I do; I trust others because of their title or how many years of schooling they have, yet even the highest title in the world could have something that they do not know..duh!). We need to stand up and really evaluate the information that is put out there. If we're not the expert on a subject or situation and haven't researched it ourselves, then do not shut down the work that someone else is trying to understand. 

Appreciate our diversity and never forget to keep learning. Be open minded and educated! That's what it's all about.



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