PA schoool

Hey! So here is this week's episode of LIFE IN PA SCHOOL. Buckle your seatbelts. It is approximately week 4 of school and I think it feels like I have been here for half a century. Do I feel like I have learned a thing or two? Maybe. Do I remember what I have learned? I guess we will see!! Our professor today was SO stifled when he asked us about a disease we learned five days ago and saw a classroom of glazed looks staring back at him..had to ask us if we EVEN remember who our OTHER professor is that gave us the lecture. Yes. Safe to say, I think we are all a little exhausted. At least, I am. SO, here's some inspiration, ya'll. :) I am so excited right now for some pretty amazing reasons. Tomorrow we get to sleep in!!! AND we have a half day tomorrow!!! What?! Is this real life? Pumped. Also,, it is my birthday tomorrow, humble brag, and my friend is coming in to town! woop! Fun Fact: You can indeed wake up still buzzed from coffee. Thank you Starbucks. I did ge...