PA schoool

So here is this week's episode of LIFE IN PA SCHOOL. Buckle your seatbelts. It is approximately week 4 of school and I think it feels like I have been here for half a century. Do I feel like I have learned a thing or two? Maybe. Do I remember what I have learned? I guess we will see!! Our professor today was SO stifled when he asked us about a disease we learned five days ago and saw a classroom of glazed looks staring back at him..had to ask us if we EVEN remember who our OTHER professor is that gave us the lecture. Yes. Safe to say, I think we are all a little exhausted. At least, I am.

SO, here's some inspiration, ya'll.
 I am so excited right now for some pretty amazing reasons. Tomorrow we get to sleep in!!! AND we have a half day tomorrow!!! What?! Is this real life? Pumped. Also,, it is my birthday tomorrow, humble brag, and my friend is coming in to town! woop!

Fun Fact: You can indeed wake up still buzzed from coffee. Thank you Starbucks. I did get 4 hours of sleep last night so we shall see how this blog goes. haha.Also, my mom said I have medical humor? Not sure how excited about that I am, buuut at least I am making progress in the medical world? Again, sorry if you do not understand any/all of this, but I hope you can learn something (or I can remember something for my future test) from these fun facts.

This week's happenings:
1. We learned how to do a skin exam on a patient. I also learned to "pretend as you know something is there" so that way, you are looking hard and don't give up until you find it. (Not just give up so easy; look with a purpose!) Also, FUN FACT, melanoma, or that "mole" on your skin that is A Asymmetrical, B has no clear or well defined BORDER, C is changing or has a bunch of brown/purple/black COLORs and D is growing in DIAMETER or is larger than a eraser pencil. Should get checked out. AT LEAST, you should be watching it. Please. Take a picture of it with a ruler, save it on your phone and see if it grows the next time you go in for your physical. If it has,,, tell them!

2. My favorite part- anatomy lab. We were trying to look at nerves in the neck. There are so many nerves and nerve "plexuses" that we have to remember. BTW, anyone have any good way or sayings they have used to remember this?? We looked at the Platysma muscle on the neck and had to delicately remove the fascia (skin) that covered it. This is a big muscle that goes from your collarbone up your neck under your chin.Apparently, for a mental picture FUN FACT this muscle may be seen "during intensive breathing like a sprinting runner". Cool.

3. We are learning about immunology and the cells in this system. FUN FACT it takes usually 24-72 hours for T cells in your body to get to the antigen. Therefore, when you are backbacking through the woods and brush up against some poison ivy and then use that arm to wipe the sweat off your face, THAT just spread. Wah wah. and Now unfortunately, you won't notice it until a while later and wonder how the heck it got on your forehead. So, be careful out there!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



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