Exercise: Quick and Easy for the Busy Busy

Simple ways to get in a little bit of exercise:

Life can be crazy busy. As important as it is to be on time to all your events, work, and have enough time to spare with family and friends, it is important to schedule in some time for yourself and for exercise. I figured I would share some easy ways to get in a little exercise in your day that do not take too long. These are probably the easiest, cheapest and best ways for simple toning or maintaining while building your difficulty level (add some weight for more intensity)...

1. Abs
I always do this before I take a shower and get ready for bed but you can kill two birds with a stone and do 10 minutes while watching tv :) = entertainment and exercise! Pick several different ones that you like the best or are varying difficulties. Doing it with family or friends makes it more fun as well, listen to music too! My friends and I go through an ab circle and have some favorites (depending on how difficult it is or how many you have done before feel free to switch the number to your level):
_ 1. 50 regular (on back with legs at 90 degrees)  2. side planks with dip, 20 each side 3. Bicycles 40  4. Dead bug 50 (on back with legs up and try to touch your toes) 5. Pats 50 (on back holding out legs above ground and lift up your head while patting ground) 6. Twists 50 (Sit with legs crossed above ground while turning and touching the ground with both hands on each side; hold a medicine ball or weight for more intensity) 7. Sit ups 50 (find a dresser or have someone hold your feet down and go up all the way to touch your quads with your elbows) 8. Mountain climbers 50 (like your gonna do a push up but bring up each leg and switch off.) 9. Plank 90 seconds (Try and work your way up to holding it for more time)

My favorite after ab work: ab stretch! lay on your back and reach your hands above your head like your grabbing for something.. Yessss

There are a million ways to do abs, so find your favorites and mix it up!

2. Push-ups 
Start small and work up or try and see how many you can do in one minute. I like to start with ten at a time then take a break and keep going. You can do regular or the girlie version (instead of your legs stretched out put your knees on the ground). Try to go down so your arms make 90 degrees each time.

3. Running
The best way to keep your whole body in shape and the best way to get your day started. If you aren't an avid runner wake up early and run for 20 minutes before you get ready for work or sign up for a road race and try to work your way up to running 3 miles then keep going!. Having been on a team, I know how much more fun it is to run with friends who you can not only share stories with but have there to push each other and share the pain when the day is more rough.  Be consistent, find your pace and don't give up!

Some other throw ins: 
If you don't have access to a gym or just want a quick little exercise to build some strength do these! :
1. Squats (50 with legs at shoulder width feet straight ahead, 50 legs little wider apart and feet faced more outward)
2. Lunges 20 (can hold weights for more intensity)
3. Wall sits (hold for as long as you can at 90 degees)
4. Stretching and rolling out! (there are different theories about stretching but make sure you pay attention to your body and work out the kinks and pains)

Keep on keeping on! I'd love to hear how your workouts go!




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