Keepin it fresh

Hello All!

Firstly, I wanted to say sorry for not writing.. FOREVER.  I have been immensely swamped with tasks to prepare me for .. drumroll.. PA School Applications! I cannot wait to hear back and see where my next adventure in life will be! I thought I would share 5 tips for the start of a healthy school year and what help me stay sane in my crazy life, that I love!

1. Staying optimistic.

I truly believe that being optimistic will propel you in life. Each and every day find something to look forward to. If you can't do that, then search for something that interests you! Why can't life be fun? Wake up and take in the fresh air or even look at all the trees getting ready for fall. Don't Complain. Just don't do it. Instead, look for the positive. The easiest way to stay optimistic is to realize you are not alone and the world is full of beautiful and amazing opportunities and people that are there to inspire you, help you, and keep your imagination and spirit running.

2. Find new ways to exercise!

I went to yoga this morning, and I loved it! Holy cow I am not flexible, but I am working on it! It is seriously so relaxing, now I am addicted. If anyone wants to join my half-marathon team.. holler! :) Try something new and exciting to spice it up. I cannot wait to go back because not only is it relaxing, but knowing I woke up and did something to jump start my morning and benefit myself makes me really happy!
woah. goal. 

3. Stay dedicated and work hard!

Even though the books are piled high and I'm sure the library is on your mind.. Keep trecking! I get so sad seeing people give up because everyone has a potential to do really great things, you just need to put your mind to it. Make a goal sheet or write down where you see yourself at the end of the year.. this could even include what you look like, your personality, things you learn. Who do you want to be? Work towards being that person!

4. Eat healthy and sleep.

This is my worst problem because I get so busy but I know how important sleep and eating healthy is! I have decided to cut out a bunch of carbs and eat more fruits and vegies than carbs. I feel amazing. Not only do vegies make me feel more full, but I am making the meanest smoothie in the world. Take this::

-banana and apple
-blueberries and raspberries
-vanilla greek yogurt
-whey protein powder
-coconut milk                        

and a piece of toast with peanut butter and cinnamon sugar. = my favorite breakfast right now. YUM


-grilled chicken

 and the new v8 fruit juice stuff.. delicious.

5. Make new connections

I love making new friends and finding new things that inspire me. I am so grateful for all the friends I have made at Boise, whether in my classes or on the team or through other people. I can't imagine it without them and not only do they inspire me but make life so much more fun. <3

Go get em tiger's

Jamie Rae


Mr. Play said…
Nice like this I always love reading about people promoting "play" or physically active lifestyles. One suggestion from an physically active promoter is if you have fitness or exercise goals this year I think it is great to put together a workout or sport group. Having friends, teammates or people who have similar interests exercise by your side each day holding you accountable to be active really fires you up to be the best you can be. They help you with your goals every day even when you can't get out of bed because they are putting forth the same work and effort to be great exercise wise and you know that you can't let them down because they are counting on you to help and inspire them. Advice ask your friends to join you in your goals, set a plan to be active 30 minutes a day and hold each other accountable.
You're awesome, Jamie dear!! Love you, and love joining you on your yoga/half-marathon/healthy eating adventures!! XOXO - Carrie

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