Why are you so addicting??

Why carbs, why!??

I'm trying this new thing out... it's called.... eating less bready carbs!! With running I don't think I could even remember all the times I have heard to carb-o-load.. which for me means stuff my face full of spaghetti the night before a race. Why is this important? Carbs are excellent source of instant energy, it's pretty much the first thing your body burns. After that is fats then proteins. While eating carbs is not bad for you, I realized it is SO addicting. I realized that my body was craving the bad carbs..  So many times I found myself instantaneously getting home and looking in the cupboard for the first yummy bready thing I could find.

Why are they so dang addicting??? Not good carbs like the ones in fruits and vegies but the bready kinds like muffins, pancakes,,, yada ya. The list goes on and on. What happens when you don't burn all that extra glucose floating around in your body? It gets stored! I decided to make a little switch: It's called.. Instead of looking for what Bready thing to eat then add some vegetables.. center my meal around Vegies and Fruits and maybe add in some bread (if at all), making sure I still get all the nutrients and proteins.

If I could make one suggestion in your life it would be this. I feel SO much better, and I just feel full for so much longer. I have some pretty awesome friends who gave me a basket with a bunch of fresh fruits and vegies and I have been hankering around for yummy recipes to use all them up. There are So many!! Tonight I ate acorn squash stuffed with beef, onions, peppers, tomatoes, spaghetti sauce and topped with mozarella cheese.
you can find the recipe here: 

I'm not saying you have to completely get rid of them. Heck ya have some cheetos once in a while but don't go overboard. Plan your meal around what's really good for you. I swear you will feel the difference.

What fun vegie and fruit recipes have you found???



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