Can We Determine Our Toss of the Coin Flip?

The two sides of the coin.

Health is a really difficult matter. While you may be encouraging those around you to eat healthy, exercise, do all the things to really help themselves, at the end of the day you can only do so much. It ends up as to how much will they take what you give them and actually DO SOMETHING for themselves. Some people really take your advice and change their life, prevent future diseases and stop their diseases from exacerbating. When will people actually go to the doctor before their problems get severely debilitating? While we know what's good for us, why aren't we taking those measures and following through with the true cause of the problems and not just resorting to a last minute quick-fix?

As I was job shadowing with a PA, I saw countless cases of patients with diabetes. There is a difference now, between two different types of diabetes. One is commonly referred to as "juvenile" diabetes, which is basically a genetic predisposition that your body does not produce insulin. The other form of diabetes is usually a harsh result of your body being overstimulated with glucose and not responding to insulin. What's insulin have to do with anything??

Essentially, our body uses glucose as energy.. we need it!.., yet we only need certain amounts of glucose in the body at one time. When we don't need the glucose and it is in excess, it gets stored. Foods that are either broken down into glucose/sugar (carbohydrates) or high in sugar/glucose or its close cousin usually, fructose, get used or stored. Here comes insulin... insulin is really essential in this process of storing the extra glucose floating around in your blood. Insulin stores the extra glucose in your body so that it can use it at later times. ---> here comes several problems: 1. what if your body doesn't make insulin?? that's a problem! that means extra glucose isn't getting stored. (type 1 diabetes) 2. I'm making insulin, but what if my body isn't responding to the insulin and not storing the extra glucose? (type 2) this can happen when you are eating so many foods high in sugar or so many foods that can get broken down into glucose. Extra glucose  = extra insulin= body gets used to insulin and doesn't react to it after so long. ..

Drink lots of soda? Need an explanation? READ HERE:: (The Franklin Institute 2004) What happens in your body When you have a Soft Drink. 

Diabetes is a really serious and difficult matter. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control, diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S and 26 million people are currently living with it (CDC 2010). Almost all of the diseases leading to death can be prevented! As a nation we are spending so much money on the quick fix, taking a pill or injecting ourselves when we could have saved us the misery in the first place. Most certainly, a lot of this disease for Type 2 has something to do with diet.... Job Shadow. .. lady didn't listen to the doctor and wasn't even following her treatment... either side of the coin flip. 

I think as a  nation we need to be focusing on in general, living healthier. You know the risks, the costs of fixing the damage, and the benefits of preventing it from even happening. You decide. Doctors can only do so much. Most of the time,, its all in your hands. I'm hoping and praying if not to make a difference to help people become aware, that people could take it onto themselves to be proactive about their health. 

Thanks for listening to my little rant.

The Franklin Institute. (2004). Nourish- Carbohydrates Fuel Your Brain. Retrieved from

Center for Disease Control. (2010). National Vital Statistics Reports: Death's Final Data for 2010. Retrieved from


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