Riding the wave

As many of my friends and family know, a lot of changes have happened in my life lately! Not only have I graduated college, I moved back to Oregon to be closer to family and started a new job as a caregiver/med aide in an assisted living facility to gain more experience in a healthcare setting.

This time in my life is kind of like ... I'm a boogie boarder so I'll relay it to that... it's like sitting there far away from shore and you can see a great wave in the future and you're positioning yourself just in case so that you can ride that wave all the way back to shore. .. but in those moments you are still waiting for that wave...

Being 22 is a weird stage in life.. a lot of people have accomplished great things at 22 or even younger! I was disappointed in the interviewer as I sat in the chair in Alabama as he commented at my age "How old are you?! 12?? " umm... nooo.. and I felt funny saying it but sorry sir, "I think I have accomplished a lot for being 22".. (let alone that I have a lot of dreams and visions for my life and worked hard to be where I am at right now).

When things don't work out,, I figure those things happen for a reason. No matter how much I thought that school would be right for me ,, it's not. at least not at this moment in my life. I choose not to let it set me back, yet prepare me for something better in the future.

I started my job thinking about the time crunch of getting a whole hallway of residents ready for breakfast in under an hour. That would mean I would have only a short amount of time in each room to get them dressed, change them, wake them up and make sure they are doing alright. I figured I would give myself about 15 minutes depending on what each person needed.. which I relayed it to my times working with a primary care PA. He could only spend 15 minutes with each patient,, after each time I couldn't believe we had only spent 15 minutes with the patient and he had talked with them, diagnosed them and treated them!

After a week, I have begun to realize the importance of a short amount of time which can still be quality time! As I continue with my daily chores, I try and stop in each person's room every once in a while just to chat for several minutes.. it's only a little bit but I see their face as I leave and are so very appreciative someone is visiting them and cares to say hello! . At the end of the day, all these little moments in my day are filled with quality moments that make them feel better which makes me so very happy seeing the impact they can have :)

As I move through this next year working towards my perfect wave and gaining a whole world of experiences, I choose to take the time to learn to grow and to put in quality time with those around me.Yes, I am young and have no idea what the future holds for me or where I will be and its scary!I'm just taking it one wave at a time.. I encourage you to take 15 minutes out of your day to say hello to someone or catch up even when you think you are rushed for time! It is so worth it :)

xoxo jamie


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