This Quizlet life

So here is an analogy for you.
A few years ago, my friend gave me this explanation of school: It's like taking spaghetti and throwing it on the wall and seeing what will stick. Now imagine this: there's a giant DUMPTRUCK of spaghetti and the truck is literally taking the spaghetti and catapulting it towards a wall. Now that is PA school.

There are so many things we have been learning! Which is very exciting but somewhat terrifying because honestly I don't even remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday. I just think my brain is making room for other important things. I have noticed this in other ways too, for example: I have this urge to abbreviate EVERYTHING. My spelling has gone downhill? Writing on paper, you bet my hand is vigorously writing, and I feel for the poor soul that has to attempt to read that masterpiece. Yikes.

You know you are in PA school when Quizlet is on your laptop and phone and also on your most visited sites. The second someone says they have a headache, everyone bombards them with questions, like, when did it start? Is it new? All over or just in one spot? Have you taken anything for it? Etc. :)

Things you don't want to miss: Cancer. Or a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Or epiglottitis. Actually, there is a lot you don't want to miss. Probably not a cold either, because that would be embarrassing. What is something I have heard almost every day and I wish I could get a dollar every time? Diabetes. It just creeps into everything.

Things I am thankful for: My roommate and all my classmates. (We're doing this guys). My friends/family back home (Miss you all dearly). Previous work experiences- so, so thankful!! (You guys all rock and I couldn't be here without you all) weekend adventures (hiking and camping and bouldering in Roanoke are pretty amazing!) annd Starbucks (officially a gold member). 

But really,,,
A lot of times, I have to stop myself and think- How crazy is this life! It wasn't that long ago that I was hoping and praying to get into PA school and now I am here. With each step, I have to take a step back and remember why I chose this path and am so excited about it- My future patients. I was prompted by my dad to remember that all the hours of studying and the crazy life that I am living will be worth it. Not only for me, but it is important to do the best I can now for THEM.

Quick end note, What HAVE we been learning?? We have done so much. Just this week, we have learned all about the eye, took a test in Pharm (on HENT and headaches AND eye AND steroids!), and we also have moved onto the head in anatomy. And it is only Tuesday. Go us. We survived NEURO!! and the neck/ deep neck in anatomy, tried to change some behaviors in behavioral med, and moved onto some cardiology/ electrophysiology. Hey remember Dermatology? Thankfully, it is fall so we can practice our new HENT skills on our friends when they get all congested. It's the little things :)

Thanks for reading! Back to studying,



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