The end of didactic year.. wrapping up!

Hi guys!
I can't believe I am about to say this, but we have finally come to the end of didactic year! -- only 22 more days and we are out from under all those books and endless powerpoints and into the hospitals and clinics with patients.

For those who don't know, didactic year is the first year of PA school, where we learn all the body systems, take classes on how to diagnose and treat patients, practice physical examinations, and much more. I also want to throw in a plug for Jefferson PA program in Roanoke, Virginia because I love our faculty and also feel like they picked a pretty dang good class full of awesome people that I am super glad I have had to go through this with. Also--Roanoke is an awesome place with lots of good hiking and weekend adventures (check out Smith Mountain Lake and hikes like Dragon Tooth and Devils Marbleyard and of course the notorious McAee Knob --pronounced Mac-a-fee-- and really fun laid back people! Definitely a place to check out.

Right now we are finishing up the year, practicing our checksheets (physical examinations like how to detect cardiac, pulmonary, neurological and gastrointestinal abnormalities), studying for our HUGE clinical medicine (the class where we learn how to diagnose and treat patients) cumulative final exam --woo that's going to be a big one-- and checking off our skills (like how to suture, how to put in nasogastric tubes, put in a central venous access, do arterial puncture, intubate, lumbar puncture, arthrocentesis, etc.) and making sure we can present to our preceptors. It is all coming together! Woo- we are doing a lot, and PA's do some real fun stuff!

Our first clinical starts October 30th and mine is in Primary Care! I am pretty excited, because this is an area that I definitely am thinking I might go into when I am all done. We go through all the areas of medicine taking a month in each for a rotation, areas such as: internal medicine, psychiatry, emergency medicine, OB/GYN, surgery, orthopedics, and pediatrics. Of course, as excited as I am about getting into clinicals, it is pretty nervewracking thinking about putting it all together on a real-life-patient. O man..Wish us luck! haha

We are doing this guys! One step closer to our dreams. See ya out there,

Jamie Knapp


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