

What motivates you? 

    -Feeling better physically, mentally?

    -Looking better and fitting into those new jeans? 

    -Gaining new friends? 

    -Getting in the best shape of your life? 

    -Being the fittest mom, dad, or grama on the block? 

There are so many motivational factors and you can have an as you go through your journey. Use them to help you stay consistent! Write them down, put them up where you can see them every day. Have someone keep you in check! Journal how it's going for you- that could be visually with pictures, videos or write it down how much better you are feeling. 

How is your consistency journey going? 

Above all else, know that each person is unique and your body is serving you where you are at right now in life. Don't beat yourself up. Love your body and feel your best in it! 




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