Where's your Motivation?
For myself, I'm going to put this out there
4 hours til track practice.
7 hours til work.
12 hours til lots of homework is due.
2 days until I leave for a big track meet.
and one week until 2 tests in Cell Bio and Organic Chemistry.
blah blahaoeijenaneoiueoknael k ... AHHHHHH!!
What I SHOULD be doing is scrambling around the house trying to get stuff done before I leave and preparing myself for my track race..but...I would much rather sit here instead and write, watch t.v. and relax...YAY :)
Personally, I think life is all about balance. That is thee 1 and only way I have been able to get through school, work and track in college while still managing time to have fun with friends and RELAX.. the most important part. As good as I am about balance, I am even better at one thing..
Procrastinating. Dun Dun Dun. Which is what I am doing right this very second, what I will do during my trip and probably next week as I "prepare" for my tests. As you are reading this, you may be procrastinating too. Are you putting off calling someone or that paper you have to write? Are you like me and you know there is something (like cleaning) that doesn't really really have to get done but still does but you would much rather do that then the thing you know you really REALLY need to do?
If that didn't motivate you enough or give you a little anxiousness or at least make you think a little about what you should REALLY be doing.. Here are 5 easy tips to help you stop procrastinating, as stated by Josh Knapp on his essay 'Overcoming Procrastination':
1. Sleep- get enough of it and set a proper sleep cycle, aka waking up early and going to bed early. This is what I struggle with, of course, because it's a never ending cycle of staying up late to finish what I should have done earlier. Sleep has lots to do with procrastination. More sleep = waking up refreshed and having daylight in your day to get stuff done (Knapp, 2013).
2. Manage Your Time- simply put, make a checklist, cross what you do off and feel accomplished when you do it. Break your tasks up and break up your big tasks into little parts. Sometimes, I like to tackle the big one first, and this is my dare to you. Tackle the Big one. This gives me the best feeling, knowing I have some of the worst part over gets the ball rolling to accomplish more tasks. Think snowball effect.
4 hours til track practice.
7 hours til work.
12 hours til lots of homework is due.
2 days until I leave for a big track meet.
and one week until 2 tests in Cell Bio and Organic Chemistry.
blah blahaoeijenaneoiueoknael k ... AHHHHHH!!
What I SHOULD be doing is scrambling around the house trying to get stuff done before I leave and preparing myself for my track race..but...I would much rather sit here instead and write, watch t.v. and relax...YAY :)
Personally, I think life is all about balance. That is thee 1 and only way I have been able to get through school, work and track in college while still managing time to have fun with friends and RELAX.. the most important part. As good as I am about balance, I am even better at one thing..
Procrastinating. Dun Dun Dun. Which is what I am doing right this very second, what I will do during my trip and probably next week as I "prepare" for my tests. As you are reading this, you may be procrastinating too. Are you putting off calling someone or that paper you have to write? Are you like me and you know there is something (like cleaning) that doesn't really really have to get done but still does but you would much rather do that then the thing you know you really REALLY need to do?
If that didn't motivate you enough or give you a little anxiousness or at least make you think a little about what you should REALLY be doing.. Here are 5 easy tips to help you stop procrastinating, as stated by Josh Knapp on his essay 'Overcoming Procrastination':
1. Sleep- get enough of it and set a proper sleep cycle, aka waking up early and going to bed early. This is what I struggle with, of course, because it's a never ending cycle of staying up late to finish what I should have done earlier. Sleep has lots to do with procrastination. More sleep = waking up refreshed and having daylight in your day to get stuff done (Knapp, 2013).
2. Manage Your Time- simply put, make a checklist, cross what you do off and feel accomplished when you do it. Break your tasks up and break up your big tasks into little parts. Sometimes, I like to tackle the big one first, and this is my dare to you. Tackle the Big one. This gives me the best feeling, knowing I have some of the worst part over gets the ball rolling to accomplish more tasks. Think snowball effect.
3. Eat nutritious foods and Exercise- How can exercise and eating right stop procrastination? exercise= energy, endorphin's and excitement! Doing this gives you "a healthy mind that has the ability to focus
clearly on tasks that need to be accomplished" (Knapp, 2013)
4. Find Motivation- My number one setback. Find what motivates you. Stay determined, focused, optimistic, and give yourself a reward when you accomplish part of your task. Listen to music! "Upbeat tempos and rapid scale progressions with a solid beat from bass increases the heart rate and excites the auditory senses" (Knapp, 2013). Stand up! The simple effort of standing up instantly changes how your body reacts. As stated by NPR, when you sit "You stop breaking up fat in your bloodstream, you start getting accumulations of fat ... in your liver, your heart and your brain. You get sleepy" (Reynolds, 2012). Stop sitting.
5. Find External Encouragement- tell someone reliable what you want to do and have them help you. Be there for them in return :) Having others as sources of external encouragement helps to "relieve stress, provides a forum to bounce ideas off of for input and feedback with constructive criticism in a positive environment" (Knapp, 2013). If you are really struggling, find a counselor or mentor.
Find your setback. STAND UP.Tackle it.
Good luck :)
Jamie Rae

Knapp, Josh. (2013). Overcoming Procrastination.(email or comment to be sent full text)
Reynolds, Gretchen. (2012). Stand Up, Walk Around, Even Just for '20 Minutes'. NPR. Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2012/05/09/152336802/stand-up-walk-around-even-just-for-20-minutes
4. Find Motivation- My number one setback. Find what motivates you. Stay determined, focused, optimistic, and give yourself a reward when you accomplish part of your task. Listen to music! "Upbeat tempos and rapid scale progressions with a solid beat from bass increases the heart rate and excites the auditory senses" (Knapp, 2013). Stand up! The simple effort of standing up instantly changes how your body reacts. As stated by NPR, when you sit "You stop breaking up fat in your bloodstream, you start getting accumulations of fat ... in your liver, your heart and your brain. You get sleepy" (Reynolds, 2012). Stop sitting.
5. Find External Encouragement- tell someone reliable what you want to do and have them help you. Be there for them in return :) Having others as sources of external encouragement helps to "relieve stress, provides a forum to bounce ideas off of for input and feedback with constructive criticism in a positive environment" (Knapp, 2013). If you are really struggling, find a counselor or mentor.
Find your setback. STAND UP.Tackle it.
Good luck :)
Jamie Rae

Knapp, Josh. (2013). Overcoming Procrastination.(email or comment to be sent full text)
Reynolds, Gretchen. (2012). Stand Up, Walk Around, Even Just for '20 Minutes'. NPR. Retrieved from http://www.npr.org/2012/05/09/152336802/stand-up-walk-around-even-just-for-20-minutes