Can Bunnies Have Bananas?

So.. I really don't like bananas. At the same time, I know they have lots of potassium, and all runners know how good potassium is for you. Right? As stated in Medline Plus, potassium is good to "build proteins, break down and use carbohydrates, build muscle, maintain normal body growth, control the electrical activity of the heart, and control the acid-base balance" (Medline Plus, 2012).

Bananas are full of potassium! With that being said, the only way I can eat my banana is with peanut butter. Why? Because I hate the texture. For that reason when I found a mushy spot this morning, I thought, 'Can I give this to my bunny moo-moo?' My rationalizing was the following: she already eats newspaper, and my friends' bunny loves scrounging around their house and eating Doritos in addition to her own food (remember, I'm talking about college students). I decided to do a little research and was surprised by the significant amount of information on this topic!

It seems everyone is giving bananas to their bunnies! In an article by Bananas for Bunnies Rabbit Rescue, it stated that, "Foods that are high in sugar or starches, such as fruits and roots, should be served as a treat only: one serving per day, no larger than your thumb" (Bananas for Bunnies Rabbit Rescue, 2013). Good to know! There is even a video on it! I have yet to give it to her, but with the looks of it I think she will like it!

Hope you found this article interesting,

Jamie Rae

Bananas for Bunies Rabbit Rescue. (2013). Vegetables that Bunnies Can Eat. A Resource for Rescuers, Adopters, and Owners. Retrieved from 

Medline Plus. (2012). Potassium in diet: Function. Retrieved from


Unknown said…
haha so random...

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