Live to be Inspired

Hello all! All who care about life, being healthy, want a little wisdom, or a good story,

This was a quick wim to start a blog. I'm in a health and aging class, where you have to write a discussion board weekly. Finding articles about health and wellness is something that not only interests me but keeps my mind fresh. I love learning new things and of course sharing them with all my friends and family. I also love those days when you find something so cool and interesting that it catches your eye to make a change.

I have always loved writing stories and little things down about my day to go look back and see how far I have come or to remember my favorite memories. I realized that I really want to put both my memories and thoughts throughout the day, while also sharing the information I learn in my journey to become a P.A (physician's assistant), together for you!

I also am an avid outdoorsy-kind of girl. Be prepared for an adventure. I love to be inspired by all different types of people and places, and I hope you do too! With that, I hope you will enjoy and be inspired by this blog's stories and all its tidbits of wisdom.


Jamie Rae


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