

My favorite.. food! Wherever you are in life and whatever you are doing, you need to be eating healthy (finding the right foods to fulfill the essentials: proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals, water) to fuel you. Whether you are fueling your mind and studying the night away or fueling your body and training for competitions or just living a healthy nutritious life, knowing how to eat and what to eat is exponentially important for your body. Nutrition is especially important and all the while, complicated. Note all the strict diet plans and explanations throughout the world. In an extremely simplistic way, I am going to try and tackle some essentials for nutrition and how to do it on a budget: take into How do I eat right on a budget?? What is important??  First off, 1. Cut the unnecessaries: this means bye bye chips and ice cream.. at least to an extreme minimum. Tip: stick to the outside aisles of your grocery store. 2. Find the superfoods: this me...

Where's your Motivation?

For myself, I'm going to put this out there 4 hours til track practice. 7 hours til work. 12 hours til lots of homework is due. 2 days until I leave for a big track meet. and one week until 2 tests in Cell Bio and Organic Chemistry. blah blahaoeijenaneoiueoknael k  ... AHHHHHH!!  What I SHOULD be doing is scrambling around the house trying to get stuff done before I leave and preparing myself for my track race..but...I would much rather sit here instead and write, watch t.v. and relax...YAY :) Personally, I think life is all about balance. That is thee 1 and only way I have been able to get through school, work and track in college while still managing time to have fun with friends and RELAX.. the most important part. As good as I am about balance, I am even better at one thing.. Procrastinating. Dun Dun Dun. Which is what I am doing right this very second, what I will do during my trip and probably next week as I "prepare" for my tests. As you are re...

Happy Monday

cheer up chap.    

Being Content.

Being Content.  Staying optimistic. Focusing on what is important and the good things about the here and now. Have you ever felt in the middle of a season of your life? Have you ever felt a passion to be doing something else but you do not know how to get there or are waiting for the sign or door to open? For all those who are in that season, do not fret! I have always thought that if you work hard for something, doors will be opened for you. Maybe, it will not be exactly how or when you wanted it but it will come..  I have learned a few lessons since starting my first job (sixteen years old, Taco Time :) as a crew worker.. woohoo! haha) and the most important one is to put your heart and soul into where you are at. For example, at my first job I was so excited to get my first job! Yay I could finally have my own money to buy cute clothes and put more than my allowance of gas in my car for all my movie trips and events with friends. The worst part, when I first started ...

I'm not a Dr., but I'll take a stab at it

On my way and in hopes of becoming a P.A, it has become an ever-increasing challenge of mine to try and diagnose my friends. I love it. It's like a mystery. Every clue gets you one step closer to the solution. For those of you, I am sorry if it has bugged you, especially with all my questions! I want to thank you for being so gracious as to telling me and letting me be your 'Dr. in practice'. Working in a lab, I have realized that as much as I know about the differences in (excuse my lab talk) an 'SST' tube vs. a 'Red tube' and a 'Urinalysis' vs a 'Urine Culture' it will not give me information on to WHY. Why is this test being done? Why does the sample look like this?? I have so many questions, no patient to see, no symptoms, just a list of random tests and several varying samples. I love to hear your problems, worries, guesses, and I love seeing if my advice works! For this reason, if anyone out there has a problem, send it my way! I ...

Stand Tall, Stand Proud!

Have you ever seen an elderly person with a hunched back? This does not happen much in my town because  pretty much everyone is in college, but every time I see it, I am immediately reminded of my bad posture. For a few minutes after, I am consciously fixing this bad habit of mine. Repeated in my mind are words from my family to "Sit up straight!" and "Stop slouching!". It is probably my worst habit, and as much as I hate it, I cannot stop and do not even realize I am doing it! Thanks to one of our track and field trainers, I am urging this to end, especially for its good benefits. What is 'good posture'? The Mayo Clinic gives five easy tips: "  Hold your chest high.  Keep your shoulders back and relaxed.  Pull in your abdomen and buttocks.  Keep your feet parallel.  Balance your weight evenly on both feet, " (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Easily stated by the trainer was to, "Pull your shoulders back and stand proud." This looks a little like t...

Can Bunnies Have Bananas?

So.. I really don't like bananas. At the same time, I know they have lots of potassium, and all runners know how good potassium is for you. Right? As stated in Medline Plus, potassium is good to "build proteins, break down and use carbohydrates, build muscle, maintain normal body growth, control the electrical activity of the heart, and control the acid-base balance" (Medline Plus, 2012). Bananas are full of potassium! With that being said, the only way I can eat my banana is with peanut butter. Why? Because I hate the texture. For that reason when I found a mushy spot this morning, I thought, 'Can I give this to my bunny moo-moo?' My rationalizing was the following: she already eats newspaper, and my friends' bunny loves scrounging around their house and eating Doritos in addition to her own food (remember, I'm talking about college students). I decided to do a little research and was surprised by the significant amount of information on this topic! I...